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Your body can be strange at times. Particularly as you get older. Aches and aches, as well as periodic episodes of exhaustion, may come and go, and you may not be concerned because ‘it’s just part of getting older.’ However, some aches and symptoms should not be ignored. Tightness in your chest or shortness of breath could indicate something more serious. They may indicate that you are experiencing a heart attack. What signs can you look for to see whether you’re suffering a heart attack? Let’s have a look.

Heart Attack Symptoms

It’s common to mistake chest pain for gas or even acid reflux. If your discomfort is new, recurring, or keeping you awake at night. The following are some of the most common signs and symptoms of a heart attack:

In your arms (particularly your left arm) or chest, you may experience pain, squeezing, tightness, pressure, or aching. This can sometimes expand to your back, jaw, or neck.

  • Breathing problems
  • Sweaty or clammy all of a sudden
  • Fatigue or a rapid onset of exhaustion
  • Cough that lasts a long time
  • Heartburn, indigestion, or nausea are all symptoms of abdominal pain.
  • Lightheaded
  • Snoring
  • Ankles or feet that are swollen

The agony you’re experiencing during a heart attack won’t go away with rest, and it’ll get worse with physical activity or stress. Women who are undergoing a heart attack may experience fewer severe symptoms than males. Some people have no symptoms at all, while others just feel “wrong” or have a sense of impending doom.

Who is in danger of having a heart attack?

 If you have any of the following symptoms, you may be at risk for a heart attack:

  • Do you suffer from an autoimmune disease?
  • If you’re a man, you’re over 45, and if you’re a woman, you’re over 55.
  • Have a history of heart disease in your family?
  • Have a high level of cholesterol
  • On a regular basis, you use or are exposed to tobacco.
  • Are you a diabetic?
  • Have a high blood pressure reading?
  • Are you under a lot of pressure?
  • Use of illegal drugs
  • Are you overweight?
  • Have you been diagnosed with metabolic syndrome?
  • Are dormant
  • Have you ever had a pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage? (E.g. preeclampsia, gestational high blood pressure, gestational diabetes)
  • Have you gone through early menopause? (Menopause before age 40)

A heart attack is a unique experience for each person. Every person has a distinct reaction to a heart attack. You could have warning symptoms for weeks or suffer a heart attack that comes on suddenly. Even the way the pain is felt varies. For example, you could have no discomfort, mild pain, or severe pain. Many people, contrary to popular opinion, have signs of near-complete blood flow loss days or even weeks before a heart attack. You’re more likely to have a heart attack if you have multiple symptoms. Remember that your heart attack may present with different symptoms and follow a different path than someone else’s.

Act Immediately

It’s critical to seek care right away if you think you’re experiencing a heart attack. Don’t put it off any longer. It might mean the difference between life and death for certain people. If you think you’re experiencing a heart attack, here’s what you should do.

Call +234 817 365 1737 or if you can’t reach emergency services for whatever reason, arrange for someone to drive you to the hospital. Driving yourself to the hospital should only be done as a last option. Getting behind the wheel while experiencing a heart attack could put you and others in danger.

Take a pain reliever like aspirin. Aspirin can help protect your heart from blood clots that can harm it. It may, however, interfere with some drugs. Call + first and ask if an aspirin is necessary. They can assist you in determining what to do.

A heart attack is a terrifying experience. Knowing what signs to look out for can help make it a little less frightening.



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