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High Blood Pressure Among Young People Today

Treat High Blood Pressure in Lagos Nigeri

More recently more young people are known to have high blood pressure. Blood pressure which is known as the ‘force’ that keeps the blood moving around the body through your arteries once it has been pumped from your heart are not well monitored by young individuals.

Blood pressure numbers and readings give information on how hard your heart is working and are an important part of a general health assessment. Checking ones blood pressure helps us know if it is either on the high (high blood pressure also known as hypertension) or low side (low blood pressure also known as hypotension). Your health professional will determine your ideal blood pressure goal based on your individual circumstances (including age, medical and family history and medicines).

Causes of High Blood Pressure or Hypertension?

There are basically two reasons why one might have high blood pressure (risk factors);

  1. Risk factors that are usually beyond the control of an individual: These include your age, ethnic background, or family history of high blood pressure or other cardiovascular disease.
  2. Risk factors that can be controlled: These risk factors for developing high blood pressure that you can be controlled or changed. These include

– drinking alcohol excessively,

– not being physically active, and

– eating more junk, processed foods and less healthy meals.

Managing HBP

To manage high blood pressure, you need to firstly make sure you’re aware of the condition you are in- Measure your Blood Pressure more frequently after which your health professional can then recommend that you either:

  1. Take blood pressure managing medicines: The medicines should be reducing your blood pressure and, therefore, your risk of stroke, heart and kidney disease. Do not stop taking your medicine, even if you feel better. If you have side effects, talk to your doctor first before stopping any medicines you have been prescribed. There are many different types of medicine you and your doctor can try that will control your blood pressure and minimize the risk of side effects.


  1. Live a positive healthy lifestyle:

This can significantly lower your blood pressure and reduce your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. E.g. if you stop smoking, within two years you can reduce your risk of having a heart attack or stroke.

Other lifestyle changes such as eating a healthier diet, drinking less alcohol, exercising more and losing weight if you are overweight will help reduce your blood pressure.


High blood pressure is typically symptomless, can quietly damage blood vessels and leads to serious health problems. While there is no cure for high blood pressure, it is important for patients to take steps that matter, such as making effective lifestyle changes and taking BP-lowering medications as prescribed by their physicians. Get in touch with our specialists if you are experiencing any chronic heart conditions

To book an appointment to see a cardiologist, e-mail or call us.

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