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Urinary Problems in Men at Old Age

Urinary Problems in Men at Old Age

Many men develop bladder control problems as they get older. Urine leakage, frequent urination and an urgent need to urinate are embarrassing symptoms to deal with, but they don’t have to be unavoidable parts of aging. There are many successful treatment options...
Stroke Recovery: Can the brain heal itself

Stroke Recovery: Can the brain heal itself

The good news is that in many instances, a brain can heal itself after a stroke. The brain is a fighter. A stroke is triggered when a blood vessel in the brain gets blocked or bursts. A common analogy is that it’s like a heart attack in the brain. Blood vessels are...
5 Signs you should see Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor.

5 Signs you should see Ear, Nose, and Throat Doctor.

ENT doctors Specializes in conditions that affect the ears, nose and throat. The ENT doctors see patients with a wide range of symptoms. If you’re struggling with an issue and you think you would benefit from seeing an ear, nose and throat doctor, here are five signs...
How  to Check Your Blood Pressure at Home

How to Check Your Blood Pressure at Home

You don’t always have to go to your doctor’s office to have your blood pressure checked; you can monitor your own blood pressure at home. This is especially important if your doctor recommends that you monitor your blood pressure on a regular basis. Tips...
Seven Natural Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones

Seven Natural Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones

In some cases, a kidney stone diet may be enough to prevent stones from occurring and giving you kidney stone pain. While it is not complicated, it may take some dedication.  toIf you have ever had a kidney stone before, I am sure you remember the pain. According to...
Fight Health-Robbing Inflammation! with 7 Simple Steps

Fight Health-Robbing Inflammation! with 7 Simple Steps

Science has proven that chronic, low-grade inflammation can turn into a silent killer that contributes to cardiovas­cular disease, cancer, type 2 diabetes and other conditions.  The fact that three out of five people around the world die from a disease linked to...