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Prevent Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) during COVID-19

Prevent Post-Intensive Care Syndrome (PICS) during COVID-19

In the early days of caring for critically ill patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, sepsis or multiple organ failure, we were grateful when they survived their illness. We used any interventions we could think of to increase the likelihood of survival....
How to detect a stroke FAST Part 2

How to detect a stroke FAST Part 2

Something doesn’t add up about strokes. They are common. Someone suffers a stroke every 40 seconds, which adds up to nearly 800,000 stroke victims every year. They are preventable. Up to 80 percent of strokes can be prevented, making it the leading cause of...
How to Detect a Stroke FAST Part I

How to Detect a Stroke FAST Part I

A stroke occurs when a blood vessel in the brain has a clot or ruptures. This deprives part of the brain of blood and oxygen, so brain cells quickly start to die. Some areas affected by the stroke will die very quickly, but other areas will hold on over a period of...
Hypothyroidism symptoms and signs in an older person

Hypothyroidism symptoms and signs in an older person

Several studies referring to those over 65 years show that thyroid illness is very much a disease of the elderly and that it often goes undiagnosed. Although the incidence of thyroid problems increases with age, it is sometimes difficult to diagnose as symptoms are...
Living with chronic illness: Why some cope and others don’t

Living with chronic illness: Why some cope and others don’t

What helps some people diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or diabetes stay relatively happy and healthy, while others are devastated? The traits and mindsets that can make the difference. People everywhere are living longer than ever. The average global life...
Do You Sit All Day at Work? Stand at Your Desk for Better Health

Do You Sit All Day at Work? Stand at Your Desk for Better Health

Sitting at your desk all day could be harmful to your health. If you have an office job where you sit hunched over a desk, clicking away at a computer more than you stand, you need to take steps – literally – to reduce your sedentary time. Our bodies are built to...