Our HAC is led by Dr. Savage, a General Practitioner with over 40 years of medical experience including 18 years of running Lagos’ largest private HAC.
Our HAC is our centre’s intentional way of promoting preventive healthcare, in a personalised and coordinated manner. It is a unit dedicated to providing you with a number of health and wellness packages and intervention plans to enable you live a healthier, happier and more productive life.
Depending on your assessment, your team members may also include certified dietitians, exercise physiologists, cardiologists, and other specialists who blend advanced-diagnostic expertise with the latest in preventive medicine.
We offer different General Health Assessments to suit patients’ and organisations’ circumstances.
Whether you are a business executive, a factory worker, or an oil & gas employee, our different assessments provide the appropriate medical means to evaluate your health, and indicate lines along which you may need to improve in order to optimise your overall health.
Our Packages

Improve Employee Productivity
Lower health risks, enhanced quality of work and home life, and increased productivity.

Individualise Health Profiles
This is not a one-size-fits-all programme. We tailor our assessment to the individual needs and structure of your company.
Comprehensive Health Assessment
Detailed Medical History with Complete Physical Examination including Prostate Examination; Vision and Intraocular Pressure Tests; Audiometry Test; Lung Function Test; Liver Function Test + GGT; Baseline Pathology Laboratory Investigations and Full Blood Count; Urinalysis and Stool Examination + FOB; Chest X-ray and Abdominal Scan; Diabetic Screening; Thyroid Disease Screening and Other Endocrine Glad Screenings; Kidney Screening Profile; Cholesterol Checks; Prostrate Surface Antigen for Men; Hepatitis B & C screening; HIV Screening (optional); Health Advice; Carotid Doppler; 4D ECHO; Stress ECG; Cervical Pap Smear (women); Mammogram (women); Breast Self Examination (women); Dieitican Consultation; Cardiologist Consultation.
Comprehensive Heart and Vascular Check with Stroke Screening
Detailed Medical History; Complete Physical Examination; Urinalysis and Stool Microscopy; Full blood count; 12 Lead resting ECG; Stress ECG; Carotid Doppler; Bilateral Carotid Artery; Echocardiography; Diabetes Screening; 24hr Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring; 24hr Holter ECG; Fasting Lipid Profile; Cholesterol Check; Kidney Profile + Uric Acid; Liver Function Test + GGT; Chest X-ray; Dietician Consultation; Cardiologist Consultation.
Senior Citizen Health Package
Recommended for senior citizens prone to developing ailments associated with old age:
Hemoglobin, Packed Cell Volume, RBC Count, Total WBC, Differential Count, Platelet Count, MCV, MCH, MCHC, ESR, Peripheral Smear (if CBC findings are abnormal), Fasting Blood Sugar, Urea, Uric Acid, Creatinine, Lipid Profile, Xray Chest, Resting ECG, Serum Creatinine, Urine Routine Analysis, HbA1C, Liver Profile, PSA, Mammogram, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Pap smear, Stool Occult Blood, Urine Routine Analysis
Clinical Examination by Geriatric Consultant/Consultant Physician
Diet Counselling
Physiotherapy Consult (if required)
Comprehensive Cancer Screening
Also recommended for senior citizens prone and persons prone to developing cancers:
Prostate Specific Antigen (Prostate Cancer Screening), Mammogram, Thyroid Stimulating Hormone, Breast Sonography, Cervical Pap smear, Stool Occult Blood, Testicular Sonography, Abdominopelvic Sonography, Hemoglobin, Packed Cell Volume, RBC Count, Total WBC, Differential Count, Platelet Count, MCV, MCH, MCHC, ESR, Peripheral Smear (if CBC findings are abnormal), Serum Creatinine, Urine Routine Analysis, HbA1C, Liver Profile
Diabetic Screening
Detailed Medical history; Complete Physical Examination; Urinalysis; Fasting Blood Sugar; 2-hour Post Prandial Sugar; Glycosylated Haemoglobin (HbA1c); Lipid Profile; Kidney Profile + Uric Acid; Full Blood Count; Vision and Intraocular Pressure Test; Dietician Counselling; Endocrinologist Review.
Pre-Employment Medical Check
Our Pre-Employment Medical Check, which can be tailored to suit your organisation’s needs, usually includes Physical Examination; Full Blood Count; Urine Analysis; Stool Examination + FOB; Hepatitis B & C; Vision & Intraocular Pressure Test; Audiometry Screening; and Chest X-ray.
Domestic Staff Screening
Physical Examination; Urinalysis and Stool Microscopy Tests; Genotype; Blood Group; HIV Screening; Hepatitis B; Sputum Culture; Tuberculin Test; and Chest X-ray.
Food Handlers Test
Includes Detailed Medical History; Full Blood Count; Widal; Hepatitis B &C; Tuberculous; Urine Analysis and Stool Analysis.
Pre-nuptial Health Check
Detailed Medical History; Complete Physical Examination; Urinalysis; Full Blood Count; Genotype and Blood Group; Chest X-ray; Hepatitis B & C screening; HIV screening.
Well Family Package
This screening package is tailored to cater for the well-being of families. Contact us for more information.
Well Child
This screening package is tailored to cater for the physical development of children between 0-12 years of age. Contact us for more information.
Well Woman
A comprehensive package for women. Mammogram inclusive. Contact us for more information.
Well Man
A comprehensive package for men. Prostate-Specific Antigen (PSA) inclusive. Contact us for more information.
An affordable and quick snapshot of an individual’s health status. Contact us for more information.
Invest in Your Company’s Health
We recognise the fact that a successful organisation needs healthy employees. However, with increasing workloads, deadline-tensions, stress, and other related pressures, it is not just tough, but impossible to stay fit always.
It is imperative for a responsive organisation to appreciate that their employees should always have access to treatment and/or preventive healthcare at an affordable cost.
LECC, therefore, provides various health management plans that are designed with these kinds of companies in mind.
A comprehensive Corporate Health Screening for your company improves overall health of your employees by helping to increase productivity, lowering absenteeism and reducing employee sick leave.