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How to Prevent a Second Heart Attack in 8 Easy Steps

How to Prevent a Second Heart Attack in 8 Easy Steps

Using these 8 tips, you can lessen the chance of having another heart attack. A heart attack is more likely to happen to someone who has already had one. Taking charge of your own heart and blood vessel health, on the other hand, can cut your chances of having a...
What Every Woman Should Know About Their Heart

What Every Woman Should Know About Their Heart

Cardiovascular disease in women is ranked nearly as high as it is ranked in men, and heart disease is responsible for the cause of most deaths in adult females in Nigeria. This makes it important to emphasize the factors that truly make the heart unique among females....
Living with chronic illness: Why some cope and others don’t

Living with chronic illness: Why some cope and others don’t

What helps some people diagnosed with cancer, heart disease or diabetes stay relatively happy and healthy, while others are devastated? The traits and mindsets that can make the difference. People everywhere are living longer than ever. The average global life...
What Heart Patients Need to Know About COVID-19

What Heart Patients Need to Know About COVID-19

As the coronavirus (covid-19) pandemic evolves, scientists are learning more about the virus and how it affects us. From almost the beginning, medical experts have recognized that older adults and people with existing medical conditions — including heart disease — are...
You may need a sleep study. Here’s why.

You may need a sleep study. Here’s why.

HEALTH & WELLNESS Sleep Disorders Do you snore .. Do you fall asleep a lot .. Do you find it difficult to sleep .. Do you have high blood pressure .. Do you have headache when you wake up .. Do you have difficulty concentrating during the day ..  If you answered...