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Heart-Damaging Effects Of Sitting Too Much Could Be Reversed

Heart-Damaging Effects Of Sitting Too Much Could Be Reversed

Getting inactive middle-aged women and men to stick to an aerobic workout may reduce or reverse their risk of heart failure, a new study shows. Sedentary people — such as those who spend hours sitting while working or lying on the couch while watching TV — are at...
High Blood Pressure Redefined for the First Time in 14 Years

High Blood Pressure Redefined for the First Time in 14 Years

The new guidelines for high blood pressure was recently published by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology (ACC). According to the first comprehensive new high blood pressure guidelines in 14 years, high blood pressure should be...
Alcohol and Cholesterol

Alcohol and Cholesterol

How Alcohol Affects Cholesterol   According to the market research group, Global Data, Nigeria is the world’s leading alcohol drinking country in Africa. Among the disadvantages of excess alcohol consumption, there is unsurprisingly a negative impact on cholesterol...
How Can I Live a Healthier, Longer Life Despite Heart Disease?

How Can I Live a Healthier, Longer Life Despite Heart Disease?

Perhaps you have a heart disease, perhaps you don’t, perhaps a close relative or a friend does – don’t panic. Anyone can live a healthier, longer life despite heart disease. How? Don’t worry, I’ll get there. Before I do, it is important to note that, unfortunately,...