At LECC, we offer a wild array of health assessments to the general public with the sole purpose of preventing and indicating. Having operated on several patients in house, a number that is fast rising, it is increasingly urgent that the public choose prevention over...
CARDIOVASCULAR HEALTH What is stroke and its causes, prevention measures, signs & symptoms, and more Dr Folasade Alli, Adult Consultant Cardiologist, Nigeria 12 June 2019 What is stroke is? Stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when the supply of oxygen-rich...
PEDIATRIC CARDIOLOGY Why should I choose LECC for my child? Dr Toyosi A., Paediatric Cardiologist, Nigeria 5 December 2018 Choosing the right hospital for your child is a very important decision. When a child is diagnosed with a serious cardiovascular disease or has a...
HEALTH & WELLNESS Introduction into Kidney Disease Dr. T.T.A Senior Consultant Nephrologist, LECC, Lagos, Nigeria 01 Nov 2018 Structure of the Kidneys Location: You have two kidneys which are located toward your lower back, on either side of your spine. Posterior...
HEALTH: STROKE What You Need To Know About Stroke Dr Folasade Alli, Adult Cardiologist Consultant, LECC 08 May 2018 What is stroke is? Stroke is a medical emergency that occurs when the supply of oxygen-rich blood to the brain either reduces or gets blocked. This...