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Some Diabetes Drugs Contain Potential Cancer-Causing Substance: FDA

What Is a Dangerous Blood Sugar Level?

Living with diabetes is like walking on a tightrope, as anyone who has it knows. It’s a never-ending balancing act to stay in range without too many high (hyperglycemic) or low (hypoglycemic) blood sugars. What does it mean to have a healthy blood sugar level? A...
Best Way to Control Diabetes

Best Way to Control Diabetes

Diabetes management requires awareness. Know what makes your blood sugar level rise and fall and how to control these day-to-day factors. Keeping your blood sugar levels within the range recommended by your doctor can be challenging. That’s because many things...
Essential Guide For Patients: Diabetes Food Management

Essential Guide For Patients: Diabetes Food Management

We understand that a diabetes diagnosis can put you and loved ones under pressure and induce anxiety, no matter how little. Despite this, we must work calmly in order to ensure that the right thing is done. There are tons of information out there – many false and many...
Women or Men — Who Has a Higher Risk of Heart Attack?

Women or Men — Who Has a Higher Risk of Heart Attack?

A woman’s heart may look just like a man’s, but there are significant differences. For example, a woman’s heart is usually smaller, as are some of its interior chambers. The walls that divide some of these chambers are thinner. And while a woman’s heart pumps faster...