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Urinary Problems in Men at Old Age

Urinary Problems in Men at Old Age

Many men develop bladder control problems as they get older. Urine leakage, frequent urination and an urgent need to urinate are embarrassing symptoms to deal with, but they don’t have to be unavoidable parts of aging. There are many successful treatment options...
Seven Natural Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones

Seven Natural Ways to Prevent Kidney Stones

In some cases, a kidney stone diet may be enough to prevent stones from occurring and giving you kidney stone pain. While it is not complicated, it may take some dedication.  toIf you have ever had a kidney stone before, I am sure you remember the pain. According to...
Coronavirus and ‘Broken Heart Syndrome’

Coronavirus and ‘Broken Heart Syndrome’

The stress of the pandemic has wide-reaching consequences The novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has been challenging for healthcare providers and researchers partly because of how much is unknown about the virus and our evolving understanding about what sort of...
You may need a sleep study. Here’s why.

You may need a sleep study. Here’s why.

HEALTH & WELLNESS Sleep Disorders Do you snore .. Do you fall asleep a lot .. Do you find it difficult to sleep .. Do you have high blood pressure .. Do you have headache when you wake up .. Do you have difficulty concentrating during the day ..  If you answered...
How to Protect Yourself Against Heart and Vascular Disease

How to Protect Yourself Against Heart and Vascular Disease

Read any article on cardiovascular disease prevention, and you’ll learn that the major risk factors are age, sex, race, smoking, high blood pressure, high blood lipid levels, diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity and a sedentary lifestyle. But have you ever wondered...